Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Weekend with the Evans Family

This past weekend we had a wonderful time with our family at the beach. Aimee's parents were able to make the trip from Idaho along with her brother Andrew (and wife Hayley) and sister Amanda. It was great to be able to spend some quality time with them as we don't often get the opportunity to be with them.

We stayed in a nice little hotel on the beach in Seaside. We also went to Canon Beach to see Haystack Rock and explore the many shops and art galleries that line the streets. Aimee's parents wouldn't let us pay for anything and we ate well.

Our Anniversary was on Sunday, August 5th. We've now been married for seven years. Its hard to believe that it has been seven years already. The time just flies by when your having fun I guess :)

We have been blessed to have such wonderful and supportive families. As we get ready to have our first child and prepare to move to Uganda, it is such a blessing to know that we have parents and siblings (on both sides) that love us so much. We have so much to be thankful for and we know it.

After the baby arrives in a few weeks, we will spend some time visiting friends and family. There is no substitute for good quality time spent with loved ones to sooth the soul. As we get closer to leaving, we cherish every opportunity to make more wonderful memories with our family & friends.


Aimee Jo said...

The beach weekend was good, although it completely wore me out! I loved spending time with the fam.

Tim said...

Cannon Beach is awesome. The Christian conference center there (CBCC) has had Rescue come to a bunch of their week-long conferences and I've had the great opportunity to go out there and basically have a free trip to the beach for a week and pay for it by singing a couple of songs a day. I didn't even have to sing, just run the sound. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your family!

On another topic, but relating to you, we need to talk to you about some stuff, or maybe just hang out. Maybe after you have that baby.

Andrew Martin said...

We would love to get together with you guys. Maybe even before the baby comes :)

Just a few weeks to go!

Destiny said...

Happy (late) Anniversary!!
Doug and I will celebrate our 6th anniversary in November...and I agree- where did all the time go?!?! Time seems to pass even quicker when you have kids...your days seem long, but your years short...
Love you guys- looking forward to your arrival!
Blessings, Destiny (for Doug too)

Cheryl said...

It's so good to see your faces. Makes me want to be with you!
Glad you are having fun with your family...