Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Family Photo

Here we are as a family of 3!! We are doing well. Anaiah is such a great baby (and super cute too!) We love her so much and thank God for giving her to us.

We just got her passport photo taken last week, and it is precious. Her eyes are closed though, and the passport people would like her eyes to be open, so we'll try again very soon.

We also purchased our plane tickets last week and received them in the mail today!! We leave December 10th out of Seattle and fly straight to London, stay in London for a few hours, and then fly out to Entebbe, Uganda. It will interesting to see how Anaiah does, but we'll make it regardless. We are very excited about our move and realize that it is quickly approaching.

Thanks for all of you who have been covering us in prayer. We know that God is taking care of us every step of the way!!

1 comment:

Destiny said...

I know the next couple of months are going to be tough- we are praying for you 3 as you prepare to make the journey here!
When Cheryl told us you had bought the tickets we were rejoicing with you all! God is faithful to provide.

The Calhoons