Friday, December 14, 2007

We've Arrived!!!


We safely arrived in Uganda on Wednesday morning, December 12th.
After standing in the long line to get our VISAs, we found that the stroller, car seat and all 13 trunks had arrived in the Entebbe airport. YAY!!
With some help, we wheeled everything outside and found 27 people waiting to greet us!! It was great to have such a warm welcome from the church in Fort Portal.
Anaiah greeted everyone with her sweet smile and people were quite impressed that she was in such a good mood after being on a plane for nearly 17 hours!!

We are now adjusting to our new life in Uganda. We have spent the last few days in Kampala-- shopping, learning about the city, visiting with the Cashes, and catching up on sleep.

We are very thankful to be has been a long journey and quite stressful at times, so we are relieved that we are finally here to start our new life as over-seas missionaries.

Thank you so much for getting us here...your prayers have been a blessing to our family and we have felt a peace about our transition and all of the details that are still being ironed out.
You are giving us strength through your prayers and we ask that you continue to pray as we learn how to live in this culture and how to minister to the people.

We'll keep you posted on how things are going. Thanks for praying!!


J. B. said...

I'm so glad that you made it safe and that all of your trunks made it as well! Blessings to you friends as you begin this new journey.

The Chad said...

Good to hear everything went well. We are thinking about you and hope for good things.

By the way, start posting photos!

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it safely....WE have been praying for you.

Matt Tibbles said...

Always praying for you and I will rejoice when we meet up in few days.

mamajoy said...

I am not surprised that our little baby Anaiah smiled at everyone she is the sweetest baby ever. Not prejudiced at all. You are loved by so many people around the world. I am glad all your trunks made it.
Love, Mom and grandma Joy

Mr Martin said...

Dear Martins, I only know you from your website. I'm a husband and father of 3 kids under 4. I hope to be checking in with you here every so often. May our Lord bless you and keep you as you serve him.

Sarah Megan said...

Congrats on getting there safely!!
i have definitely been praying and will continue to do so!

Start having a blast, you guys! God answered your dreams!

Patty said...

So fun to see you over there, especially Anaiah's happy grin! We love you!

Anonymous said...

I had no tears when you left, frankly I was a little jealous of the adventure ahead. I thought they should have thrown a Pep Rally in your honor, instead of the funeral-like goodbye.

I'm still excited about the adventures God has in store for you, but I just finished reading Cheryl's blog and now I'm sitting at my desk letting the tears flow to my desk blotter. (Appropriate eh?) Thank her for putting this all into better perpsective for me.

Love you, Miss you, Praying for you.

Uncle Vern

Anonymous said...

Aimee Jo and Andrew... We are grateful for your safe arrival and look forward to the months and years ahead to the development of your ministry in Uganda...

You will be kept in our hearts and in our prayers at the Keizer church...

We had a great service last Sunday, confirming the appointment of Rex as elder and Jason and Andrew as deacons. We'll try to keep you posted of the developments at Keizer periodically so you don't forget us...

Give our love to Cheryl and Jeff... You all remain in our prayers.... Don

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to know that you made it over and that things are starting to fall into place. How wonderful that you have Christmas in Cheryl's house! What a blessing that must be. We are thinking of you, praying for you, and will be keeping up on your happenings as you update! Love in Christ, April Wozniak

Anonymous said...

Bless you and your ministry. God has wonderful things in store for all you meet as well as your family. We are glad you arrived safely and we will keep you in our prayers. Anaiah will be a constant reminder of the power and faithfulness of God as you continue in your ministry with those in Uganda as well as in your own family.
In Christ's love, Mia Broberg

Anonymous said...

Like Don, I cried when I read Cheryl's blog. homeschooling in the midst of life is our way of life and I relate so well. Praise God for the safe journey!!! Praying for the family of the one who succumbed to that sickness. Praying for you in all the changes and adjustments. Success for the FQ Uganda!!
Colleen Busch