Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Big Week for Aimee Jo

I know this sounds silly, but I (Aimee Jo) went driving around Fort Portal by myself-TWICE in one week!

I don't know what it is exactly, but I have just been paralyzed when it comes to driving since we've moved here. I think it's everything combined--people lining both sides of the road, driving on the left-hand side of the road, while sitting on the right hand side of the car, looking in all directions constantly in hopes to avoid accidents, the judgment of space on either side of the car.

Andrew has been so patient with me and has made many runs to the store when I just thought that I could not do it. Today, I was with Anaiah, and we tackled the grocery shopping and went to get copies of papers made for church! I was very proud of myself and slowly, slowly I am gaining the confidence it takes to drive here.

Praise God for small victories in life!


Kristi said...

Good for you, Aimee Jo! That's quite a big accomplishment.

brenda said...

Great Job! I am not sure if I would want to drive there either. You didn't even mention the motorcycles that drive all crazy! They scare me th most I think.

Brian Pannell said...

I'd say that was a huge accomplishment my friend!

Kori said...

I have heard some crazy stories about driving over there. It is a big deal to brave driving where there aren't many rules.

Cheryl said...

Way to go, friend! So proud of you. One step at a time. You've tackled so much over these months...keep celebrating the moments of victory!!!

Unknown said...

I'm not going to be all supportive and stuff. You know I can't show my true feelings--I am your brother, and a male--so here goes.
I'm glad you are taking risks...that is what life is about. How's that?
We missed you guys a lot last night. We had a Memorial Day bbq over at Maggie's. It was awesome. I won't list the foods, because that would just be rude. Think fresh meat.
Oh, I think I see some spotted spurge in the picture with Cooper, the one where he is next to the lawn and flower bed border. You can kill that with 2-4d without hurting the lawn. I'll have dad bring some over.

Love you guys.


Jeff Cash said...

Good job Aimee Jo!
Have you heard how to spot a drunk driver in Fort Portal? With all the pot holes He is the guy driving straight!

Dennis said...

You should know that you were prepared for driving in Fort Portal when you were 5 years old and driving for your dad in the pasture as we unloaded hay. At least I hope you now know your left from your right hand :).
Love, Dad