We are feeling quite elated and Aimee Jo is having fun picking paint colors for the different rooms, while Andrew is focused on the repairs and other boring, yet important things! :) It is an older home in town, but it is in good condition and in a great location. Two houses down from the Cashes!
It is a lot of house for us, but it gives us growing room, which is nice, and we got it for the same price as some other smaller homes in town. It's a four bedroom, three bath house, which includes the guest room and guest bath. There is a pantry/laundry room, a nice kitchen (good size for a house here), a living room, and a nice wrap around porch. The garage was also converted into a room, and we are planning to use that as a school room in the future. There are also outside rooms that we envision as office space for the church. So, the house is more than just a home.
We are excited to have our own place and establish family life as a group of three. We've not had our own home since May of 2006, so it will feel very weird at first, but I'm sure that we'll adjust quickly.
Front of the house
Driveway and patio above the school room
The living room
One of the bedrooms
Our little dining room
Our little kitchen
View of the yard
Anaiah Likes it :)
Our family and the mission have been blessed.
Thanks for praying!!! God is good.
Holy cow. How many square feet? The living room look enormous. Andrew won't have time to do anything but yard work from the looks of the yard. The architecture is definitely a bit different from US. The outside looks like an office building.
Glad to hear things are going well.
that's awesome news guys, glad to hear it!
I'm so excited for you! Now the real fun begins - well, as soon as "the container" gets there! Love and miss you lots. It was 28 degrees here this morning - I sure miss Ft. Portal right now. Give my love to all!
Yay!! We are really excited for you and can't wait to try out your guest room sometime.
Oh, it's beautiful! May God bless each moment and each person who enters there.
Anaiah is getting so big and even more beautiful than when we saw her last! Way to do your job, Anaiah! We love you all so much! Give hugs and kisses to those Cash types for us!
yeah!!!!! i knew you had gotten the house, but seeing pics make it so much more real!!! i can't wait to come and visit!!! the living room is HUGE!!! it looks like it should be in an office building or something!!! i am so happy for you guys!!! i love you all so much!!
auntie mandie :)
Wow. It's quite impressive. Looks like the living room has good acoustics.
That is amazing! It is gi-normous Amiee would say. I love it I am so happy for you. You guys deserve this after not having your own place for so long. I can't wait for us to come to your house and we can live with with you for awhile. Just kidding! I love the picture of Anaiah and Aimee Jo you look so good. Love Grandma Joy
Wow! Andrew, looks like you are going to do a lot of yard work, or hire it done. I am so glad you have a nice house. Can I come live with you? Just kidding. I am sure you will use it to serve God in a great way. I pray for you all the time, and I miss and love all of you very much.
Grandma Martin
Go ahead Martin, and tell Grandma that you can hire a full time escari- guard/groundsman for a couple of bucks a day. I have walked all over that area of Ft. Portal, but do not recognize the house - it looks great! So much better than I was afraid the you would have to settle for, and only a few hundred yards from Mt. Of the Moons restaurant. The only problem that I can see is that with that much room, the two familys will be able to take in too large a group. I am excited for you.
That is so amazing, I love the new place, now the big question, do you have anything to put into it yet? I also am really excited to come and use up the guest quarters!Congratulations, this is wonderful news.
Wow I am sooooooo happy for you guys. I know it is a huge relief off of your shoulders.
That yard is beautiful
yay!!! its beautiful! and so big! I love the yard, mom says it looks like a park.
Congrats on the new house. What a blessing it is going to be for you all. Hope the container gets there soon. Nothing like "home"!
May God's Spirit be ever present in each and every space of your new home.
Keep that guest room available. Maybe some day. . .
We're so happy to hear that everything is coming together for you. The house looks great!! We will continue to keep your work in our prayers.
Yay! It's beautiful. It will be exciting to see what kind of family memories you build there. Blessigns!
Dude.....what a blessing! Praise God!!!!! i am SO excited.....guess you got a guest room for the next wuss guest who gets sick! :)
Love you guys......cannto wait to see your home in person!
God bless this home with peace and protection. Send your angels to guard their lives and their spirits, let nothing harm them. As they feel your arms around them let them feel ours as well. Lord, please keep the joy of your word in their hearts and show them the path of their ministry in your name.
Thanks for the note. Parenting is pretty amazing. I love it.
Congrats on the house. I didn't know you were over there! Wow, how is life? I hope you guys are terrific.
Talk to you later.
So well this looks fun to me, classic brick... where are you all as far as nearness to church Fort Portal etc.
Looks pretty awesome! Can we all come have a big sleepover at your house sometime? It is quite the beautiful house and I am so happy for you guys to have it! You have truly made a lot of sacrifices, and I am so glad God is blessing you!
Aimee - your dad was telling me about your new home the other day after church and mentioned your blog (I had the "from idaho" part but had to try spelling Aimee Jo a few different ways before getting it right--oops). I linked from there to here just like your Pops said and have enjoyed seeing the pictures of your new & exciting life. What a wonderful home! I'll pop by this site more and hope to hear more news of you guys and the work you are doing. What a beautiful little girl you have!
-Amy Eager
What a lovely house, and the yard/view is beautiful!! May God continue to richly bless you as you do His work.
Your yard looks weed free... how pretty! congrats.
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