Sunday, February 10, 2008

Moving In

No, our container is not yet in Fort Portal, but we are going to move into our house this week! YAY!

Since there is aleady furniture in the house, and Jeff & Cheryl will let us borrow the pots and pans from Faith Quest, we are going to get out of their space, and move into our own!

Even though the kitchen will be pretty bare, it will be fun to do our own grocery shopping and see what exciting meals we can come up with!

I (Aimee Jo) am excited to begin moving things into their correct rooms, even if they won't have a place yet.

Cheryl, the Cash kids, Anaiah and I walked over to our house on Saturday and I was very excited to see that the painting is finished! It looks really good, and I'll post pictures soon. We have a purple bathroom for guests, yellow in the kitchen & Anaiah's room, tan in the living/dining/guest room, and blue in the hallway bathroom. It looks really good and I am happy with how the colors came out. Andrew and I (okay, who am I kidding, it will be all Andrew) will need to add one coat of purple in the bathroom, because the painters didn't have enough to finish the 2nd coat. Also, if we want our room and bathroom done, we'll have to do that at a later time. But for now, I am just thrilled to move in and thankful that we found good painters at a decent price to do the job.

We'll keep you posted and share pictures soon!


brenda said...

I just lost my original message, I hate that! I wish we were there to help you move, I at least wish that I could hang out with you and the kids while the guys did all the heavy lifting! From Jacob: Where is Aimee Jo? I am here. Hi Aimee Jo and Andrew! I gaka (he is into making up words these days). He is all done now, but I am sure he wanted to convey his love to you! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for the Martin family. I know this is one more step in making Fort Portal home. I miss you all.

mamajoy said...

I am so glad you are about ready to move in. Painting is so exciting especially when someone else does it. Uh...Andrew you can paint my house anytime Oh, you already did. Thanks. I can't wait to see more pictures especially of Anaiah's room. You are suppose to tell me the size of the window for Anaiah's room for curtains. Love Grandma Joy

Destiny said...

Hey Aimee Jo (and Andrew and sweet baby)!
So glad the painting for the most part is behind you! Glad you found someone to do it for you! Can't wait to see the painted house- and all your lovely stuff inside when we get back!! Love you much, Dest

Dennis said...

Good for you three. Donna and I are so thankful that you are that much closer to being at home. I pray that the house will work out well for all of you. We are praying that your container will arrive soon and that you can completely move in. Lift with your legs. Love, Dad Evans

Anonymous said...

I don't see why a purple bathroom is funny? Just paint a nice gold accent wall and the room will come together nicely.


Brian Pannell said...

this is great guys...........

I will enjoy squating around the throne of glory in a purple bathroom! :)

I MISS you guys!
